Everyone has probably experienced that specific feeling in the stomach before an important test or when they think they will have a hectic schedule. No wonder stress is part of our lives, and we will probably never live without it. However, it is necessary to distinguish what kind of stress we encounter regularly. When it comes to the short-term stress that, for example. one of our sexy escort girls feels  during an interview with a prospective employer, this condition can even help them focus and perform better. However, this does not apply to long-term chronic stress, detrimental to physical and mental health and can even be life-threatening.

In today’s article, we will explain what happens in your body when stress appears, how stress manifests itself, what consequences it can have and what can you do to reduce harmful stress as much as possible.

What happens in the body when we stress?

At the beginning of each stress response, whether positive or negative, there is a so-called stress factor or trigger. It can be, for example, a sad memory, a specific event in life or pain. The phenomenon, which then occurs in the body, begins at the center of behavioral inhibition, of which certain parts are responsible for the reaction. In collaboration with the “memory bank”, it will then assess the degree of danger of this situation. If the body considers this situation threatening, it initiates the alarm phase.

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Gradually, norepinephrine activates the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, which acts on the adrenal medulla. Then start to release adrenaline and noradrenaline into the blood. Most cells in the body contain receptors that act on both adrenaline and noradrenaline, causing the manifestation of known symptoms of stress.

Other symptoms of long-term stress:

  • increase in blood pressure
  • increase heart rate
  • increase breathing intensity
  • sweat
  • goosebumps
  • pupil dilation

Cortisol (“stress hormone“) and glucocorticoids are also produced in a stressful situations. Their short-term effect is beneficial, but increasing their long-term levels can damage the body, such as loss of muscle mass, impaired glucose metabolism, weakened immune system, loss of neurons, faster death of brain cells or the development of tumors.

Other symptoms of long-term stress:

  • Irascibility
  • fatigue
  • headache
  • affected concentration
  • sleep problems
  • digestive problems
  • changes in appetite
  • loss of libido
  • nervousness
  • frequent occurrence of diseases
  • low self-confidence

Now you know that you don’t want to face long-term stress. But it is straightforward to say, “Get rid of stress.” But how do you do that? In today’s article, we’ll try to give you some tips that can help you minimize stress to a tolerable level that won’t negatively impact your body. Let’s see what this is about.

  1. Do sports

The World Health Organization recommended that you dedicate 150 minutes a week to a medium-intensity activity or 75 minutes to high-intensity activity. Exercise undoubtedly has an impact not only on physical health but also on mental health. This is evident, for example, from the results of a study in which researchers focused on 682 recreational athletes. They found that those who followed the general exercise recommendations felt less anxiety and stress, and their overall quality of life improved.

If you exercise regularly, you are undoubtedly familiar with the feeling of euphoria after, when endorphins or hormones of happiness are released in the body, you are in a good mood, the problems suddenly seem much more bearable. You have been out for a while. Remember the things that were stressing you out. Therefore, try to include a sports activity that you enjoy several times a week in your weekly schedule. Does Yoga Help You Calm Down? Practice yoga.

Do you have to work hard and sweat to get rid of stress? Try running or HIIT workouts. And if lifting weights makes you feel good, then practice strength training. Nowhere does it say which sport is best for reducing stress. You are different, and everyone knows best what activity makes you feel better. And that’s precisely what you should do to reduce stress.

How to reduce stress through sports

Please note that the saying “the more, the better” may not apply in this case. Paradoxically, if you do too much exercise, your stress level may increase. So keep in mind that you should do all your activities in moderation and allow your body to rest and regenerate. For example, a simple walk in nature can help reduce stress; you do not need to sweat excessively every day. If you exercise regularly, your sleep quality also improves, affecting your stress hormone levels.

  1. Write down how you feel

If you tell someone close to you about stressful things, you will feel relieved. But how do you deal with stressful issues but don’t want anyone to know about them? The solution may be to put your feelings in a diary. It would be ideal to put all your thoughts together to take refuge in a quiet room. The writing process itself can have calming effects.

Turning feelings into a diary can become a familiar ritual. You don’t just have to write down what’s bothering you. You can create a pleasant atmosphere in the room in the morning or the evening and spend some time writing.

Write also about the days when something pleasant happened to you, write down the things you are grateful for, what makes you happy, what you look forward to, and so on. Remember that you did not feel well often, but you always coped. Then, when you have a bad day, which is stressful, try to stop for a moment and flip through the older pages of the journal. At the same time, you will realize that many things make you happy and be grateful for, which can help you reduce stress. The results of a study evidenced that grateful people have better mental health, lower stress levels and a better quality of life.

  1. Listen to music

Music accompanies you in almost every situation in life; whether you are sad or in a good mood, there is always a song you can hum on a particular occasion. But you may not know that there is music to relieve stress. Don’t worry; it’s not an esoteric method; there are scientific discoveries. Studies have shown that relaxing music helps lower blood pressure, heart rate and stress hormone levels, calming the whole body.

Classical, Celtic, Native American or Indian music can have a calming effect. If you don’t like these genres,  your favorite playlist can serve the same purpose. It’s up to you whether you want to listen to slower songs to calm down or more alert rhythms to help you get emotionally drained. Both methods will reduce stress.

  1. Spend time with your loved ones

If you are alone in the fight against stress, it will be worse than being with your loved ones. The study results showed that, especially for women, oxytocin (an anti-stress hormone) is released when they spend time with friends and family. On the other hand, the psyche of both women and men is negatively affected by the lack of social interaction. There are many ways to spend time with family and loved ones. You can play something together, you can prepare a good meal, or you can talk about how you felt in the last few days.

Intimate moments with your partner also have a positive effect on reducing stress. The study results indicated that kissing, hugging, and sex positively affect oxytocin release and lower cortisol levels. If you stress and avoid intimate moments, you should reconsider your approach. Maybe this can help you reduce stress.

If you are alone, you should not despair. According to scientists, the interaction with pets can also release the anti-stress hormone oxytocin. You will notice how the caress of the pet will please you and him.

  1. Make plans and be productive

This point addresses, in particular, those who postpone all their duties indefinitely. The cause may be, for example, laziness or the feeling that a person has so many responsibilities and does not know where to start, so he postpones his activities and, in the end, does nothing. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to determine what activities you need to do and when they should be completed at the latest. Once you’ve made a list, divide individual tasks into smaller tasks that aren’t as difficult to complete as an entire task.

Then schedule these smaller tasks daily to be sure that you can handle them smoothly and that you don’t have to meet deadlines at the last minute. Thanks to this system, you do not have to stress that you will be left behind and thus, the individual tasks will be easier to perform. You will see that the feeling of seeing “checked” all the tasks you had for a particular day is invaluable.

  1. Try mindfulness

Mindfulness is a technique that helps reduce fatigue and stress. Simply put, try to be more aware of the present moment to learn how to work better with your thoughts, and negative situations will not control you.

How to practice this method?

  • Try to find a position (standing or down) to feel comfortable and relaxed.
  • Just focus on your breathing and try not to think about anything else.
  • If you can’t focus on breathing, try to count the seconds you breathe and exhale, this should distract you from other thoughts.
  • If you still have thoughts, try to ignore them and focus on breathing again.

This way, you will focus on the present during all activities. No matter what you do, always try to focus on just one thing: running, eating, or washing dishes. Perceive this activity with all your senses. This way, you will learn how to work with thoughts and suppress excessive stress.

  1. Try supplements


Adaptogens can help you better manage your physical and mental stress, anxiety, fatigue and stress. The first one we want to introduce you to is Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng).

Many studies have confirmed the anti-stress effects of this root. A good example is a research in which significant differences were observed between two people with chronic stress groups, one receiving Ashwagandha and the other not. The effect of this root on reducing stress has been confirmed by other research. Participants who took Ashwagandha felt significantly less stress and, in addition, the quality of sleep improved.

It is ideal to take at least 300-500 mg of this root extract daily to enjoy its benefits.

Another adaptogen, Rhodiola Rosea (yellow root), has similar effects. According to the results of some studies, the extract of this plant can effectively reduce the symptoms of stress as a method of preventing chronic stress and its complications. Similar results were found by another research team, which found a significant reduction in anxiety, stress, anger, confusion, depression and even a significant improvement in mood after only 14 days. Rhodiola should be effective at a daily dose of 50 mg.

Vitamins to reduce stress

Vitamin B

According to the results of studies, supplementation with the B vitamin complex can have an effect on increasing cognitive performance and reducing stress at work, which ultimately translates into long-term stress reduction. According to a systematic analysis study in 2019, which included 16 studies with a total of 2015 participants, vitamin B can help reduce personal stress and depression caused by stressful situations. Anyone who feels overwhelmed at school or work should focus on taking B vitamins. A dose of high-quality multivitamins should easily cover the recommended daily dose.


L-theanine is an amino acid that is most often found in tea leaves. So it’s no coincidence that many people drink tea when they want to calm down and reduce stress. The studies show that L-theanine can reduce stress and support the body without calming down. Subsequent research, in which participants regularly drank a drink containing 200 mg of L-theanine, showed a significant reduction in cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which was released in the body due to the stressful tasks associated with multitasking. To experience a positive effect, the dose of L-theanine should be around 100-200 mg.

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