A happy couple relationship is based, among other things, on a quality sex life, in which the two partners want each other and offer the desired satisfaction. In addition to the aspects that make you feel comfortable when you meet an escort girl, to keep alive the attraction between you two, you need mystery, passion, and exploration of new ideas and territories. If these aspects are neglected, the routine will make its presence felt, and you will soon get bored of each other. This article will learn everything you need to know about libido and how to have a successful married life.

1.What is libido?

Appetite or desire for sexual satisfaction is called libido, a term that originates in Latin. His presence is considered a sign of mental and physical health. It is crucial to remember that this varies from person to person, so what some believe to be an average level of libido may be exaggerated, or on the contrary, very low for others. These levels differ depending on an extended range of factors biological, psychological, and social. So, as long as you and your partner are satisfied with your erotic activity, you should not compare yourself to other couples.

From a biochemical point of view, sexual appetite is determined by the presence of testosterone, a male sex hormone, which is found in significantly smaller amounts in the female body. However, as you will see below, the lack of it is not the only cause leading to decreased libido. In addition to this hormone, other substances influence a person’s sexual desire, such as oxytocin, dopamine, serotonin, estrogen, progesterone, and norepinephrine. You can see that this aspect of human existence is highly complex and challenging to control. The sexy escort girls working with our Escort Service have an increased libido!

2.Possible causes of decreased libido in women and men

Many couples in their history face moments when the libido of one or both partners decreases which raises doubts and causes concern. Each of them wonders if this phenomenon is their fault, if it is a sign of relationship problems or if it indicates the presence of medical conditions. In order to identify what causes this decrease in sexual appetite, the two must communicate honestly and investigate possible explanations. You will see below how certain factors can lead to this change.

2.1. Stress

Daily stress is among the most common causes of lack of desire to have sex. You’ve probably heard people say the phrase “My head hurts!” to avoid intimate moments with your partner. Many state directly that they do not feel like having sex. Some studies show that, especially for them, but also for men, daily stress affects the erotic appetite because the fulfillment of daily tasks and the obstacles that inevitably appear in everyone’s life consumes the energy and attention that should be directed to the partner. Some women say that they would have greater availability for sex if they got rid of some household chores.

2.2. Eating

Another critical factor is the food you eat. Although they seem unrelated, food directly influences the hormones in your body, which, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, are responsible for libido. Among those that reduce sexual appetite are the following:

Processed food is a broader term that refers to many types of food that go through chemical and thermal processes before reaching the consumer. For example, white flour loses almost all its nutritional properties after refining, including a large percentage of the amount of zinc, which is essential for the proper functioning of the male reproductive system.

  • Sour diet juices – aspartame used as a sweetener reduces serotonin levels.
  • Microwave popcorn – the chemicals used in the packaging cause prostate problems and affect sexual performance.
  • Alcohol in large quantities – can affect the erectile capacity of men.
  • Hormone cheese treated with hormones – affects testosterone and estrogen levels.
  • Hormone-treated meat – affects testosterone and estrogen levels.
  • Excess sugar – affects insulin, estrogen, and testosterone levels, causing erectile dysfunction.
  • Sausages – the substances in the packaging cause hormonal changes.
  • Soy – affects testosterone and estrogen levels.

2.3. Lack of sleep

To have an optimal energy level necessary for erotic life, sleep is essential. Lack of it leads to chronic fatigue and prevents you from having the right mental state to enjoy the intimate moments with your boyfriend or girlfriend truly. Therefore, make sure that you sleep for about eight hours every night and that you have a truly restful sleep.

2.4. Drug

Hormone-based medications, such as contraceptives, antidepressants, and cancer therapies can cause imbalances in the endocrine glands, resulting in decreased libido. Medium or long-term treatments can also affect the intensity of sexual appetite. If you are undergoing such treatment, you can discuss possible solutions to reduce its effects with your doctor.

2.5. Age

You should also know that the intensity of erotic instincts varies over time. An interesting aspect is that women and men have different libido flows throughout their lives. Most females reach the peak of sexual appetite between the ages of 30 and 40, while this happens during adolescence for males.

2.6. Menopause

The menopausal stage is a process full of hormonal and mental changes for women, and while some overcome this phase more quickly, others face significant imbalances. The loss of sexual desire is often among the changes, but it usually returns in the post-menopausal period.

2.7. Certain conditions

Libido can also suffer from the presence of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypothyroidism, or psychological disorders such as depression or anxiety. In addition to the conditions themselves, their treatments can also alter sexual appetite.

2.8. Lack of a real connection between partners

One of the most common causes of decreased sexual desire is the lack of erotic connection between the two partners. Connection means sincere and effective communication, mutual attraction, and an appetite to experience new things. Sometimes, each of them is physically present, but mentally, they are in totally different areas, full of thoughts and exploring fantasies separately. This leads to the breaking of the emotional bond, the establishment of a routine, and a way of making love without being involved in sexual intercourse. Such a phenomenon can occur in new couples when the two are not compatible when they are too afraid or stressed, but also in the case of couples who have been together for a long time.

3.How to overcome the lack of sexual appetite

Fortunately, there are many ways in which this obstacle can be overcome in a relationship, and the intimate space can regain its charm. These involve a genuine desire on your part and your part to be together and find a solution.

3.1. Sincere communication in the couple and elimination of the routine

Because of the feeling of shame or because you want not to hurt the one next to you, maybe you are thinking of keeping hidden this state you are facing. Or, conversely, if the other person no longer offers the same involvement in sexual life, avoid opening the discussion so as not to blame him.

Unfortunately, this approach will worsen over time without providing a solution. The first step is to make sure that there is open communication between you. Whatever the real cause of this problem, you can most likely overcome it more effectively together. So, tell your boyfriend or girlfriend how you feel about the moments when you make love, but be careful not to take it lightly and do NOT turn the conversation into a conflict. Maybe you want the person next to you to wear a sexy suit while you are together or to use a specific type of sexual incentive to make things more exciting and attractive. You can tell her your fantasies and how you like to be treated during sex. Talk to them about erogenous zones and develop new suggestions that will inspire you both. For example, erotic lingerie is one of the most used methods to add passion to moments in the couple. Do not hesitate to share what excites you, but accept if your partner feels uncomfortable with your ideas. Together you can find a solution that satisfies both of you.

3.2. Rest and sports

To take care of your relationship, you must first take care of yourself. Make sure you rest, get enough sleep, and get caught up in every day worries. If you want to have more energy and vigor, include at least 30 minutes of sports daily in your program. A more muscular body and developed muscles will be on your side, and your self-image will improve. More than likely, this change will be reflected in the bedroom.

3.3. Diet – foods that can increase libido levels

Also, pay close attention to your diet. A balanced diet will help you have a healthy body, which fulfills its functions brilliantly. Moreover, it uses foods that are known for their aphrodisiac properties:

  • black chocolate
  • ginkgo biloba extract
  • ginseng
  • pistachio
  • saffron
  • pomegranate
  • shells
  • figs
  • Red wine
  • strawberries

Some of these can be easily used to create a menu for a romantic dinner, so feel free to use them. In addition, you can also use aphrodisiac products to rekindle the spark between the two of you.

3.4. Psychotherapy

Today, more and more people seek counseling or psychotherapy, which helps them achieve their goals faster and more effectively than they would on their own. If you have more worries than usual, it is advisable to talk to a psychotherapist to help you overcome the causes because you encounter obstacles in sexual activity. It may be older fears, specific needs that your partner fails to understand, or you need guidance to communicate more effectively with your loved one.

3.5. Couple therapy

Some couples may need some form of counseling, which they go to together. Exploring problematic areas of their relationship with a specialist makes them ask the right questions and fix issues they weren’t even aware of could be improved. Couple therapy has helped many partners rediscover their desire for their halves after better understanding what brings them to a standstill.

4.Frequently asked questions and answers about libido

What does low libido mean for women/men?

A low level of libido means a decrease in sexual desire. Biological, social, or psychological factors can cause this decrease.

Why does women’s libido decrease?

Sexual appetite can decrease in both women and men for several reasons: hormonal changes, conditions, unhealthy lifestyle, the establishment of routine in sexual life.

What can I do to increase my libido?

There are several solutions to increase libido: incentives, the introduction of novelties in intimate life, such as sex toys, or the fulfillment of sexual fantasies.

How do you know if you have a libido problem?

Libido levels vary from person to person. Therefore, this becomes a problem when it begins to create obstacles to your or your partner’s sexual satisfaction.

How can libido levels be increased during hormone treatment?

If you want to combat the side effects of hormonal treatments, you should consult your doctor. He will be able to prescribe certain substances to help you.


1. What is libido?

2. Possible causes of decreased libido in women and men

2.1. Stress

2.2. Eating

2.3. Lack of sleep

2.4. Drugs

2.5. Age

2.6. Menopause

2.7. Certain conditions

3.1. Sincere communication in the couple and elimination of the routine

3.2. Rest and sports

3.3. Diet – foods that can increase libido levels

3.4. Psychotherapy

3.5. Couple therapy

4. Frequently asked questions and answers about libido

Libido needs romance

It would be too easy to blame only food and age when we no longer feel the need to have sex. Sometimes you have to have enough time for your partner: the intimacy between the two of you the energy you get from sitting with your loved one will surely motivate you. If you don’t communicate enough to enjoy being alone with him all day, then you don’t have to be too picky about your libido.

Book an escort girl from our website and show her that you can increase her libido!

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