If you read current studies on the sex life of Europeans, you ask yourself what has happened to our society. While there were hardly any days without sex in the past, according to a recent study in which 10,000 Europeans were interviewed, this has turned into the opposite. Even some clients of the Escort Service were interviewed!

Sex only once a week

Just 30 years ago, 18 to 30-year-olds had sex about 18 to 22 times a month. Hardly a day went by without coitus. Today things are quite different: this age group only has fun with their partner 4 to 10 times a month.

The situation is no better for the 31 to 40-year-olds either. The average European only has sex 3 to 6 times here, whereas 30 years ago, the figures were 8 to 12 times sex per month. The 41 to 50-year-olds have scaled back their love lives even further—6 to 10 times sex per month 30 years ago versus 2 to 3 times sex today.

In the 50+ generation, sex no longer seems to play a role. They hire escort girls only to have fun here once or twice a month. It was pretty different 30 years ago. The numbers were still 4 to 8 times. These numbers surprise sex researchers, as the trend has been apparent over the last few decades. According to the experts, it will go down even further in the coming decades, and Europeans will have even less sex.

Reasons for decline in sex enjoyment

Of course, knowing why interest in sex has decreased so dramatically would be interesting. Unfortunately, there are only a few studies on this, which together do not lead to a precise result. The respondents often give too little time. In addition to children and a job, there would hardly be any time left for your partner.

But the children and the job took up a lot of time 30 years ago, which is why we tend to assume there is a perceived lack of time here. Still at the forefront is too much stress. Our lives are becoming increasingly hectic, so many Europeans find it difficult to clear their heads for sex. It’s often a gradual process, and you don’t even notice how sex slowly disappears from everyday life.

Social anxiety also leads to less sex. It’s hard to believe, but our numerous communication options via social media allow us to get to know people in virtual space and talk to them there. Still, in real life, we ​​often develop a reluctance to make contact.

Another worrying point is that more and more men are experiencing erectile dysfunction. Fifty-two per cent have slight to very severe problems with it. Eighty-three per cent of those affected then withdraw and avoid situations where sex can occur. This puts additional strain on the partnership.

How do we get more sex again?

If you find yourself in the study results and want to change something now, you have already taken the first step. Most Europeans are happy with their sex life but don’t consider it any further.

According to the study, sex in our bedrooms lasts between 3.8 and 5.9 minutes on average. For quick fun in between, that might be fine now and then. As a rule, however, we should allow ourselves more time for sex.

Always try new things or reserve a whole morning/afternoon/evening for lovemaking. You don’t have to have sex all the time. But spending time with your partner and seeing what you like creates awareness of good sex again.

Help with erectile dysfunction

Even if not enough sex in a partnership is due to erectile dysfunction, you shouldn’t give up immediately. The number of problems has increased because people stress themselves far too much these days. Taking your time and trying, again and again, solves a lot of issues here. If that doesn’t help, then there is also modern medicine, which has made enormous progress in this direction. Man has various sexual enhancers that help with a firm erection.

Erectile dysfunction is always a reason to reconsider your lifestyle. Do you drink alcohol excessively or daily? Do you smoke daily, or do you not exercise? Then it’s time to change things. You will then see success after just a few weeks.

Risks of erectile dysfunction

Less well-known are the risks of erectile dysfunction. A recent study shows that 30 per cent of men with these problems are prone to depression. In some cases, this becomes so strong that those affected can no longer work and withdraw from social circles.

We should deal with the topic more openly and address it openly. Sex is fantastic, but you shouldn’t give up if it doesn’t work out that way. It is better to work on it with your partner and keep trying. Especially in old age, hormone surges can also cause problems. But these often disappear just as quickly as they came. However, once the issue has manifested itself in the head, the erectile dysfunction persists even after the hormone surge.

About erection

The mechanism of erection is not only related to desire, but mainly to sexual stimuli and the general state of health of the man, more precisely to the functioning of the nervous system (which transmits the signals of excitement) and circulatory system (ensures vascularization at the level of the penis), but also other factors.

The penis consists of two sponge-like formations of erectile tissue spread over the entire organ length, called corpora cavernosa, which contain a labyrinth of blood vessels in the form of hollow spaces (like a sponge). These arterial spaces will accumulate the most significant amount of blood from the penis during erection. The urethra is a common channel for urine and spermatozoa; it passes along the posterior part of the corpora cavernosa. An erectile tissue surrounds it, called the corpus spongiosum, which contains two main arteries, vessels and nerves and protects the urethra during erection.

An erection begins with sensory and mental stimulation. During sexual arousal, nerve messages cause stimulation of the penis and relaxation of the muscles of the corpora cavernosa, allowing blood to fill the open arterial spaces, which will create pressure in these hollow structures, the penis enlarges, and an erection is caused.

The tunica albuginea (the membrane surrounding the hollow bodies) helps these formations capture blood, supporting the erection. The erection is reversed when the muscles of the penis contract, stopping the flow of blood and opening the exit channels.

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