Hi there! Let me introduce myself, I am Elia, an escort girl in Kenway Road. To clear my head in my daily life, I enjoy healthy days in the sauna, great massages, read a lot of books, and really enjoy going hiking. Nature always touches me with its beauty. Traveling is one of my hobbies, and Italy has impressed me the most. Roman architecture has always fascinated me, and no city has fascinated me quite like Venice.
Before every date, I get a tingling in my stomach, starting with choosing clothes that excite me. I love the feel of other people’s skin under my fingers. New, unknown, almost limitless. Allow yourself to leave completely for a moment, just to feel and be. Let’s close the door and let reality wait outside while we indulge your fantasies with passion and commitment.
I want to travel the world, learn about other cultures and collect beautiful moments. Climb a mountain, jump off a plane with a parachute, or enjoy a drink under the bright stars. If you are a brave one like me, book me at the Escort Service and let’s have fun!