Hello gentleman, my name is Wren and I represent your delightful escort girl in Mayfair. I am a real gem. A warm, outgoing girl with a great sense of humor. I always have something to say and look forward to putting my ideas into practice. My favorite meals can be found in romantic Italian places, and if you take me to an intimate bar, I’ll probably order a coke or a fancy cocktail.
I have a natural quest for knowledge and adventure! I am very ambitious and am now completing my degree to advance my career. I am a senior dinner companion, I love to travel and I love to live in the beautiful city of Mayfair. This city gets my heart racing and I’m always ready to show you my favorite hangout spots.
I am a playful rose eager to explore my life in every direction imaginable! I love pouring a lot of positive energy into the hearts of everyone I meet. My bubbly personality will fascinate you and make our time together the most passionate and joyful adventure.