Hello gentlemen; I am your most alluring and attractive escort girl in Paddington, Maryse. As an open-minded free spirit, I was naturally drawn to pursue my life as an elite prostitute. I am often told I am friendly, sincere, kind, and funny. I look glamorous, with blond hair, navy blue eyes, a pretty baby face, and pursed suction lips. My photos are minimally retouched to reflect my actual slim body and B-cup breasts. Don’t let my supermodel look fool you.
When you get to know me, you immediately feel comfortable and realize that I am very down to earth. I pride myself on being genuine and building real relationships. I’m a well-travelled, seasoned talker on various topics that can lift your spirits. I invest a lot in myself and take my inner health and appearance seriously, including body, mind, mind and spirit. As a result, you will find yourself with a beautiful, intelligent, confident and mature woman.